Joining our Loyalty Program is a way for you to get discounted rates on our services and enjoy having a beautifully detailed car at all times. The way it works is simple; the more regularly you would like us to take care of your vehicle the more money you save!
- Have you recently purchased a new car?
- Has Exclusive Car Care recently detailed your car with either it's Full or Exclusive Detail package?
If you answered yes to either of the above questions you qualify to enter the private Loyalty Program of Exclusive Car Care. Joining this program means that each time we visit your vehicle is washed and meticulously detailed inside out. Also services like shampooing, clay barring, engine bay cleaning, etc. will also be taken care of as needed.
Before any services are scheduled a complementary vehicle assessment is completed at your home. Being that every situation is unique, maintenance pricing can be less or more than the prices below. The online prices reflect an average for each vehicle size.
Additional Perks of the Program Include:
- Discounts off other ECC services (Paint Correction, Headlight Restoration, Ceramic Coatings etc.)
- Dedicated Appointments. (No wait time)
- Refer a friend and receive a 10% off Coupon (off any service) for each accepted referal.